Friday, November 27, 2009

How can I keep goverment from using remote contol to redirecting my computor and cll phone?

How can I keep the goverment from controlling my pc and cell phone?

How can I keep goverment from using remote contol to redirecting my computor and cll phone?microsoft word

Put on the tin foil hat and RUN! That is the only way man. The MAN is on to you now! Just RUN! Do not look back, just go!

How can I keep goverment from using remote contol to redirecting my computor and cll phone?windows movie maker internet explorer

:-) you can't. but you can minimize risks using firewalls and trusted e-mail services
do not use windows, use a more advanced secure OS like a tweaked Linux that has been paranoidly tweaked the hell out of. As for your cellphone... good luck. You cant.
Anything you say on a cell phone might as well be posted on a billboard....................

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